To save money on fuel is the main agenda for millions of vehicle owners around the world. Fuel prices have shot up steeply in recent months that many drivers are forced to give up driving for work and leisure. Yet, many more are finding ways to save money on fuel by switching to alternative fuel sources for their cars and trucks.
For one, drivers in many countries are converting their cars to run on compressed natural gas (CNG). Using CNG slashes your monthly spending on fuel significantly depending on the type of conversion you go for - either to run the car totally on CNG, or using CNG together with gasoline. But of course, like most beautiful solution, it comes with a hefty price tag.
Converting Your Car To Run on CNG is Not Cheap
It costs thousands to install and modify your cars or trucks to use the CNG fuel system. One vendor which I decline to name quotes CNG conversions from $8000 up - I'm not prepared to PAY such a sum of money to SAVE money on fuel. Besides, compressed gas is not free, and with more people switching to use it as fuel, the government and CNG providers will eventually take the opportunity to raise its price.
There Are Other Options to Use Alternative Fuel
A growing number of adventurous vehicle owners are converting their cars to use water as a form of fuel supplement. This technology involves extracting hydrogen and oxygen gas from water through electrolysis and re-combining them to form a very potent gas called Hydroxy. The Hydroxy (which by the way is known to be 3 times more powerful than gasoline) is then introduced to the engine with the gasoline and air mixture to create a cleaner and more efficient burning process, and translates it to a more powerful engine output.
Because Hydroxy helps gasoline burn efficiently, less gasoline is wasted through incomplete combustion. It also means more power is produced from the engine with less gasoline used. This means you save money on fuel significantly. In fact, users of such water fuel conversion systems report savings between 30% and 70% month after month!
The best part is, it does not cost you thousands of dollars to get your cars and trucks fitted with a water fuel conversion system. It is actually possible to do it all yourself, from making your own water fuel conversion kit and installing it onto your engine. A full project costs less than $200 including getting the instruction manual that guides you on the whole process and the materials needed to make the conversion kit.
And knowing that you are making use of the abundance of water as a fuel source helps you feel secure that you will not be left at the mercy of oil or CNG companies varying the price of fuel and CNG to their advantage. So start to save money on fuel today!
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